Wishes Good Luck for a new Job

It was Robert Frost who said that way leads on to way. We hope your “road less travelled” leads on to happiness as you start your new job!

There is always a certain sadness when you say “good-bye”, but there should be no tears as you leave today. We want to send you away with smiles and best wishes as you start your new job!

Life doesn’t always let you see just where your path is going to lead you, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep on walking it! Good luck and best of wishes as you start your new job.

As the Irish say, may the road rise up to meet you and the wind be at your back as you start your new job!

We hope that your “tomorrow” will be even better than your “today” as you start your new job!

There comes a moment in every life when you must embrace the change — and then another when you must let it embrace you back! We wish you every happiness when you start your new job.

We got you this to wish you luck on your new job — but then we realized that with talent like yours, you’re not even going to need it!

It’s always hard to leave the old life behind you — until you realize that the new life is always better than the old. We wish you the best of luck as you start your new job!

We hope the grass really is greener on the other side of the fence when you start your new job!

Life is uncertain, but we are sure that you will bring as much joy to the your new job as you brought with you to this one. We wish you all the best!

Did you know that in Hawaiian, “aloha” means “goodbye” and “hello”? So it’s not “good-bye” to your old life but “hello” to your new one as you start your new job!

Change is the mirror that the universe holds up for you to let you see who you really are. Best wishes and good luck as you start your new job.

The first steps of a journey can be the hardest to make, but they can also be the most exciting. We wish you all the best when you start your new job!

Happiness is following your guiding light to wherever it leads you, and we wish you all the best as it leads you to your new job!

Transitions in life are the times when you get the chance to look back and see just how far you have come on your journey. We hope your journey will bring you happiness as you begin your new job!

It’s always hard to leave what you know. So don’t think about what you are leaving behind but what you are heading towards as you start your new job.

The better part of wisdom is knowing when it’s time to make a change. We wish you all the best when you start your new job!

This new path is utterly unknown. That is what makes it so exciting! Our thoughts and love go with you as you begin your new job!

You’ll never know what joy there is in flying unless you can make your leap of faith. We are so happy for you as you start your new job!

Time flows on like water and you never get the chance to step into the same river twice. So let its currents carry you where you need to go as you start your new job!