Anniversary Quotes for Parents

Happy Anniversary to the two best parents a child could ask for. You have spent your lives raising your family; it’s now time to focus on yourselves. Have a blessed day.

Remember the past. Learn from your mistakes. Cherish the memories. Celebrate the challenges you overcame as a couple. Live in the present. Make each moment count. Do things for each other. Talk to each other, not at each other. Work to keep the spark alive. Look toward the future. Plan your lives together. Dream of what is to come. Be excited for all the days you have to spend together. Use your past, present and future to continue to build your lives together. Happy Anniversary.

The definition of an anniversary is simple – celebrating an important event once a year. Sometimes these events are sad, but many times, they are happy ones like your wedding day. This day is about you. Nothing else matters but your love for each other. Live life to the fullest on this day and every day. Happy Anniversary.

On today, your anniversary, take a moment to look at your wedding ring. A circle with no end represents your eternal love and devotion to each other. Think about what that means to you. Embrace that feeling and keep it with you every day. That wedding ring might only be a symbol of your wedding, but it is a symbol that you can keep with you forever. Happy Anniversary.

As my parents, you have always put my needs first. You have made sure I have clothes on my back, a roof over my head and food on the table. You served as my chauffeur, making sure I got to practices and games on time. You were my biggest cheerleaders, always telling me that I could do anything that I put my mind too. You have been a shoulder to cry on when I lost the part in the school play or broke up with “the love of my life.” You have been there to celebrate my achievements and to pick me up when I fall. You have loved me unconditionally and shown me the kind of relationship I want to have one day. You have set an example for the person I want to be, and there is no way I could truly ever thank you. I hope your anniversary is as special as you have made my life.

Anniversaries are a time to celebrate with family and friends. Be sure to plan something fun to celebrate this fantastic and joyous occasion. Happy Anniversary to you both.

May today be filled with all the blessings, joy and hope that you both deserve. You have been terrific parents, showing me how a marriage should work in both good times and bad. Happy Anniversary.

To my father who was always there to protect me. Who spent time helping with my homework and teaching me how to tie my shoes and who will, one day, walk me down the aisle. To my mother who showed me what true love is all about. Who helped me grow into the person I am today and who showed me that with hard work and determination, I can do anything. I am so glad that you two found each other all those years ago. Your luck became my blessing. I am so grateful that you are my parents. May this day be as special as every one before.

I know there are those who think I might have forgotten about this special day. But this is the day two of the best people I know declared their love for each other in front of family, friends and God. This is a day never to be forgotten. Happy Anniversary to my parents.

Not all love is eternal. Some marriages are not successful and fall apart. In those relationships, couples cannot get past the bad times. There are others, however, that weather the storms. They grow stronger with each and every challenge. No obstacle seems insurmountable. That is what I have learned from my parents and what we celebrate on their anniversary – that love truly conquers all.