Retirement Wishes For Wife

There’s so much we’re going to get to do now that we don’t have to set an alarm every morning! Traveling, playing with the grandchildren, and volunteering are just some of what I have planned. But not too early! Congratulations on such a well deserved milestone!

You know, I can’t wait to sleep late and spend every day with you doing what we love to do! Your retirement isn’t an end, but a new beginning. I love you so much and look forward to this next chapter of our lives.

While they’ll be losing their best employee, I’ll be getting 100% of my wife! I can’t wait to see what this next and exciting part of our lives will bring. I love you and am so proud to be celebrating your retirement with you!

There’s no doubt that your retirement will bring you less stress and all the happiness that you deserve! Now, you can forget the alarm clock and take each day as it comes. Welcome to the rest of our lives!

To my wife, who has shown me all the love and support in the world. I can’t wait for you to get to do everything that you have ever wanted and dreamed! May your retirement be the best years of your life.

Travel and adventure are just a few items on our agenda now that you are retiring! We will be able to live life on our own terms and without an alarm clock. So congratulations to you on this very special day!

Lazy mornings, breakfast in bed, working in the garden, and so much more! There’s no doubt in my mind that your retirement will mark the most enjoyable years of your life. I can’t wait to share this special time with you. Congratulations on a much deserved retirement and rest.

Don’t ever doubt the impact you’ve made on those you’ve worked with and served over the years. But it’s now your time to enjoy life in your own way. We have so much to be thankful for and so much to look forward to, that the only word to describe the next chapter of our lives is: Exciting!

God has blessed you with so much talent and ability. Now, as you end your career and move into retirement, you will have the opportunity to share your time, talent and abilities in a different way. I am so happy to be spending the rest of my life with my best friend!

There’s a little uncertainty that comes with retiring from a successful career. But it’s the special moments that we will create together in the future that turn uncertainty into hopeful optimism. I love you so much and can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

You are the greatest gift I have ever received. I’m a little spoiled to have the chance to spend every day with you now, doing what we want to do. May the years to come bring us all the happiness we’ve ever imagined!