Thank you Quotes for Parents

“When I was little I’d gaze up at the stars,
blow out birthday candles and catch fireflies in a jar.

I’d wish for things like unicorns and being queen for a day
with a castle made of candy to live in and play.

Now that I’m older I realize my dreams were so silly
because I had all that I needed – even if it wasn’t sweet or frilly –

and my biggest wish, which I whisper every chance I get,
is a blessing to the two most gracious souls I’ve ever met.

Mother and Father, for all that you’ve done and continue to do,
I bloom so much more grateful each day, in honor of you.”

“There is only one thing more difficult than raising a kid like me: finding the words to say thank you for it.”

“If I said thank you to my parents from the bottom of my heart, I’d be lying; when it comes to expressing this kind of gratitude, my heart is bottomless.”

“It’s true when they say a parent’s love for their child is best understood by those who have kids of their own. When it comes to a child’s gratitude for having received that love, however, is something I don’t think could ever be comprehended.”


“Life is a roller coaster. I have my parents to thank for teaching me how to fasten my seat belt – along with all of the best tricks for preventing toddler motion-sickness.”

“Thank you, mother and father, for the unending support, boundless love, and angelic grace with which you have raised me. Not only have you gifted me with these things, but taught me how to pay them forward. Thank you you for showing me that I can change the world.”

“I keep a gratitude journal in honor of my parents and how much they have given me over the years. I think I may have ask them to buy me another diary for keeping track of the money I owe them for buying me all of these journals.”

“I don’t think there is any smartphone, tablet, computer, e-reader or other mobile gadget that could express any clearer how much iThank my parents.”

“I believe in a new-age thought that children choose their parents before they are even born. That must have been a prologue for the all of the ways my mother and father have passed down the wisdom of good decision-making, because it’s probably the best choice one I have made.”

“I know I don’t tell my mother and father enough how grateful I am for having raised me into what I am today. Though my wallet does not yet carry more pictures than money like theirs do, I am well on my way there… not only is that the sign of an outstanding parent, but of a child who is has been loved, spoiled and treasured more than anything.”

“How to walk. How to ride a bike. How to blow a bubble. How to read a book. How to write a book. How to cook a holiday feast. Most of all, how to be patient, give and receive love and compassion, be gracious and kind, and believe in miracles.

These are just a smidgeon of things I can thank my parents for teaching me. Now if I only I can pass on these gifts to my own children, and with the same grace with which they were bestowed upon me.”