Thank you Wishes for Teacher

Teachers: the people who don’t just show us the answers, but help us learn to ask the questions. Thank you for encouraging my curiosity about the world!

The best teachers are the ones who push us to think, push harder, and then think again. Thank you for being the kind of teacher who didn’t let me settle for work that was less than my best.

Whenever we learn something new, the world gets bigger, not smaller. I so appreciate all the ways that your teaching has helped to enlarge my world.

Reading, writing, and arithmetic may be the big 3, but you’ve taught all these and more to me! Thank you, teacher!

A good teacher is one of our first and best friends.

A love of learning, a delight in asking why, the desire to make something new – all these things we learn from teachers who love to teach. Thank you for making teaching your passion, and for spreading that enthusiasm to your whole class.

Some lessons stay with us long after the pencils are put down and the books put away. Thanks, teacher, for all the things you’ve taught me that will stay with me for a lifetime.

A teacher opens a doorway into new worlds of learning adventure. Good teachers encourage us to walk through that doorway, and even walk beside us as we go. I’m so grateful that you’ve helped our children navigate new lands of learning! Thank you for not just providing the map, but being their guide.

There’s an old saying that a good teacher doesn’t just pour knowledge into a bucket, but ignites a flame. Thank you for igniting the love of learning in your students!

Blackboards, desks, pencils, rulers; computers, books, and games. Those are all important parts of a classroom, but the most important part of all is the teacher who stands at the head of it. Thank you, teacher, for all the ways you’ve made our class the best that it can be.

Saying thank you seems so inadequate for everything you’ve taught me. Thank you for challenging me to ask the hard questions, for not worrying too much about what I got wrong but encouraging me to figure out where to go next in my thinking. Thank you for pushing me to work harder and to chase down all the “rabbit trails” that really excited my mind.

Teachers give us skills, enthusiasm, encouragement, hope, guidance and patience. In other words, they give to us deeply from themselves. Thank you for being such an amazing teacher!

My mom always told me that the teachers you remember the longest aren’t the ones who gave you the easy “A’s”, but the ones who challenged you to be more than you ever thought you could be. Something tells me that you will be one of the teachers I remember the most!

To thank a teacher for
Everything is impossible.
All a teacher gives you
Can’t be counted.
Here’s a thank you for
Excellence you’ve helped me

Teachers help us strive and help us grow. Teachers help us more than they can possibly know. Teachers open doors and lead us into lands where we’ve never been before. Giving thanks today for all the ways you’ve led me to learn.

No one can enter new lands without the guidance of people who have been there before. Thank you for being the kind of teacher who leads your students into all sorts of places they’ve never yet explored, and giving them the tools to know what to do when they arrive.

To show gratitude, they used to give an apple to the teacher. If I could, I’d give you a whole orchard!